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Phone: +61-3-99055702


Shipping Address:
Chen Davidovich 

Medicine store, Monash University, 
G55, Building 77,

23 Innovation Walk, 
Clayton, VIC, 3800, Australia.


Billing Address: 
Monash University 
Accounts Payable 
710 Blackburn Rd 
Clayton 3168



Chen Davidovich

Room 246 (office) / 253 (lab)

23 Innovation Walk, Building 77 (level 2)
Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia


GPS coordinates:  -37.911782, 145.129603 (Building 77, entrance)


Building access and directions to Chen's office:
Building 77 is open during business hours and no magnetic card is needed to use the elevator. When stepping out of the elevator onto the second floor, turn left and then the next door on your right-hand side will be to our office space area. If the door to the office space area is locked and there is nobody there to open it, then call Chen (55702) from the grey phone adjacent to the door. Otherwise, walk into the office area and proceed all the way to its far end, where office 246 will be on your right.


© 2015 Davidovich Laboratory

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